
FX and Crypto Return Booster

FX and Crypto Return Booster: how banks can harvest opportunities in international portfolios

Key features

  • Active FX and Crypto management using investment signals sourced from world’s leading quantitative funds
  • Direct integration of state-of-the-art investment intelligence in Avaloq’s PFM module
  • Automatic calculation of optimal FX and crypto exposure and suggested trades
  • Scalable implementation across single client portfolios or groups of client portfolios


All international portfolios with investment in foreign currencies carry FX risk. FX risk does not generate any additional returns in a portfolio (no risk premia) but increases overall portfolio risk if it is not managed properly.

In crypto markets, most institutional players lack the market timing know-how and the relevant research team. Using our Alpha-as-a-Service solution, allows to provide best-in-class actionable research to your clients without having to hire crypto experts.

Sanostro’s FX and Crypto Return Booster turns FX risks into an opportunity for both the bank and its clients. By sourcing FX and Crypto investment signals from the world’s leading hedge funds, we provide a unique and fully integrated solution for active management of FX and Crypto risks.

The FX and Crypto Return Booster can help your bank increase return on assets per client by more than 0.35% per year on the FX services and more than 5% on the Crypto services.



Company: Sanostro AG
Category: Product Risk Classification
Released: 10 janvier 2019
Type: Certified Adapter