
SBI (Sociétés de Bourse Intermédiaire)

Euroclear settles domestic and international securities transactions, covering bonds, equities, derivatives and investment funds.

Key features

  • Support an open marketplace where scale and connectivity across the spectrum of market participants are competitive strengths
  • Support market stability, deliver shared economies of scale and develop markets locally and globally
  • Efficiency of markets and actively enabling the reduction of risk
  • High performing culture that respects our corporate values


Euroclear settles domestic and international securities transactions, covering bonds, equities, derivatives and investment funds. Euroclear provides securities services to financial institutions located in more than 90 countries. In addition to its role as an International Central Securities Depository (ICSD), Euroclear also acts as the Central Securities Depository (CSD) for Belgian, Dutch, Finnish, French, Irish, Swedish and UK securities. Euroclear also owns EMXCo, the UK's leading provider of investment-fund order routing. Euroclear is the largest international central securities depository in the world. Retail investors are able to have direct accounts in local CSDs, according to local laws, rules and procedures.


Company: euroclear
Category: Settlement & Reconciliation
Released: 27 juin 2018
Type: Standard Adapter