
Squirro Cognitive Search

Squirro’s Cognitive Search Application, powered by AI, delivers contextually aware information that is highly relevant to your search by understanding your intent and the patterns and relationships that exist within the data corpus. Search through all your Data with ease

Key features

  • Search through all your different Datasources with ease


All organizations are facing the same, increasingly difficult challenge – they need to find the most relevant information in the enterprise and they need to do so in real-time.

Yet data is spread across the organization and is stored in multiple data silos.

95% of this information is unstructured and its vast insights are hidden within documents, files, emails, and other types of content. The volume of this content is growing constantly, created by different people, in different languages, and stored in different locations within the digital workplace.

IDC data shows that “the knowledge worker spends about 2.5 hours per day, or roughly 30% of the workday“, searching for information.

Making search more effective has become an enterprise priority and Squirro’s Cognitive Search Application delivers on all counts. Cognitive search is the next generation of enterprise search, using artificial intelligence (AI) to return results that are more relevant to the user either directly or embedded in an application issuing the search query.


  • Find Information 90% Faster
  • Uncover Hidden Connections
  • Access it within any Application
  • Capture all data in one place

Company description

Squirro provides Augmented Intelligence solutions. Its unique technology marries Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning with Cognitive Search, empowering organizations to transform enterprise data into AI-driven insights. Organizations using Squirro take advantage of its ability to source leads and recommend the next best action in an automated way. Its real time 360 degree client cockpit provides a holistic and comprehensive understanding of the customer journey. Through Cognitive Search, Users find information up to 90% faster. Squirro’s Augmented Intelligence Solutions are successfully used by leading global organizations, such as Standard Chartered, Bank of England, Helvetia, ING and Bühler among many others. Founded in 2012, Squirro currently has offices in Zurich, London, New York and Singapore.



Company: Squirro AG
Category: Market Data & Research
Released: 01 septembre 2020