
Squirro Institutional Asset Management Solution

Squirro provides Asset Managers with the right insights and recommendations at the right moment in the context of their work – automatically. Our Solution is the Smart Assistant for the financial services world.

Key features

  • Increase Assets und Management
  • Understand clients and prospects
  • Increase research-efficiency


Squirro Institutional Asset Management

Interact with clients at the right moment with the right talking points

With huge amounts of data and a burning need for market-beating insight and efficiencies, asset management firms face precisely the business challenges for which Squirro’s Augmented Intelligence Solution was designed. Increase your Assets und Management by contacting your clients and prospects at the perfect time with the right talking poitns. Receive data driven recommendation on underperforming funds, changes in allocations, favorable views on markets and many more triggers.

Key features of Squirro's AI application for Asset Management

Squirro provides Asset Managers with the right insights and recommendations at the right moment in the context of their work – automatically. Our Solution is the Smart Assistant for the financial services world. It combines the power of AI with the imagination, intuition and intelligence of humans and provides a natural user-interaction that doesn’t require expert skills.

1. Increase Assets und Management

Squirro’s Asset Management solution drives lead origination by unlocking the power of data sources such as Morningstar. Receive automated recommendations on key triggers such as underperforming funds, changes in allocations, favorable market views or management changes among many others.

2. Understand clients and prospects

Squirro’s comprehensive 360° Client Cockpit gathers all relevant data from internal, external and premium data providers such as Morningstar to deliver a holistic client view. Increase your understanding of your clients or prospects and optimize meeting preparation through powerful insights provided by our advanced data analytics capabilities.  

Embed Squirro within your CRM System for additional context and increased usability.

3. Increase research-efficiency

Institutional asset managers suffer hugely from an over-reliance on time-consuming, ineffective manual research to find the best opportunities for their clients and gain key market insights. Our Cognitive Search capabilities reduces research time by providing contextual insights through a Netflix-like experience, delivering recommendations on interesting research documents.

AI application for Institutional Asset Management

AI and Machine Learning unlocks insights within unstructured data for lead origination, fund recommendations, automated research views, and a 360 degree client cockpit for a unified view of all customers. Insights are delivered within existing workflows and workbench & CRM systems with full records of all customer interaction and engagement.​​​​​​​

  • Higher Market visibility
  • Increased opportunity flow & revenue uplift
  • Better connection to clients and prospects
  • Quicker client and market insights
  • Save hundreds of hours on research.

Company description

Squirro provides Augmented Intelligence solutions. Its unique technology marries Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning with Cognitive Search, empowering organizations to transform enterprise data into AI-driven insights. Organizations using Squirro take advantage of its ability to source leads and recommend the next best action in an automated way. Its real time 360 degree client cockpit provides a holistic and comprehensive understanding of the customer journey. Through Cognitive Search, Users find information up to 90% faster. Squirro’s Augmented Intelligence Solutions are successfully used by leading global organizations, such as Standard Chartered, Bank of England, Helvetia, ING and Bühler among many others. Founded in 2012, Squirro currently has offices in Zurich, London, New York and Singapore.



Company: Squirro AG
Category: Investment AdvisoryMarket Data & Research
Released: 01 septembre 2020