
Wealthinitiative V.3

The solution offers a (1) marketplace (creating synergies within the client base of private banks) as well as an (2) automated valuation tool giving mark-to-market price of non-finanical assets as well as a valuation history and performance.

Key features

  • Automated Valuation tool for non-financial assets
  • Marketplace for non-financial assets (internal for banks)


Wealthinitiative is a WealthTech company based in Zurich focusing on the non-financial assets (real estate, Art, Passion investments i.e classic cars, watches, boats, etc.. and shares in private companies). The solution offers a (1) marketplace (creating synergies within the client base of private banks) as well as an (2) automated valuation tool giving mark-to-market price of non-financial assets as well as a valuation history and performance.

Company description

Software for non-financial assets (marketplace and automated valuation tool)



Category: Portfolio Management
Released: 11 avril 2019
Type: Open API