
AML and Compliance Platform

kdprevent™ is a AML and compliance platform to address all the compliance issues like AML, fraud, reputational risk, terror financing.

Key features

  • kdlink™ & kdlink plus: Manual, web based name checker with graphical relationship- and risk network, fuzzy logic, processing of excel lists
  • kdmatch™: Automated name checker, soft-white-listing, fuzzy logic. Highest matching quality because of sophisticated and powerful matching procedures
  • kdresearch™: Analytical engine to detect unusual, potentially suspicious activities. Best results with powerful and flexible rules engine together with the integrated compliance repository
  • kdresearch enterprise™: Fraud Repository and extended workflow-, task and case-management-system and extended rule engine. Preconfigured web-services
  • kdmonitor™: Automatic detection and interruption of suspicious transactions (e.g. SWIFT, SEPA, SIC etc.) and messages in real-time. web service available, e.g. for account opening


kdprevent™ is a AML and compliance platform to address all the compliance issues like AML, fraud, reputational risk, terror financing. The kdprevent™ AML & Compliance Platform provides a substantial improvement of the compliance and controlling processes while reducing the processing cost dramatically. IMPAQ continuously enhances the platform to include the latest market and regulatory developments. Therefore the solution satisfies European national and international statutory requirements while combining state-of-the-art data analysis methods with the expertise of compliance experts. kdmonitor is a module of the kdprevent™ AML & Compliance Platform that allows to monitor – and where applicable to block – in and outgoing transactions in real time.



Company: IMPAQ AG
Category: Compliance
Released: 04 June 2018
Type: Certified Adapter