
SnapFlux with Adapter for Avaloq

Solution that enables fully redundant integration of the Avaloq Banking Suite.

Key features

  • Multi Entity safe Market Data Hub
  • Feed Handlers for several Market Data Vendors available
  • Scheduled Market Data Delivery for use with Avaloq Core ts_ld
  • Certified Adapter


SnapFlux is a market data hub that can integrate several services from market data vendors as well as customer own data provided in files as data sources. Snapshots can be configured for data collections, raw market data can be modified and derived in hierarchical fashion, the result is delivered to intelligent client site technology adapters. Snapshot frequency can be as slow as once a day and as fast as every 10 seconds. The data quantity and delivery frequency needs to be in convergence with data license contracts that are bilaterally closed between customer and vendor.



Company: Oraise Schweiz AG
Category: Market Data & Research
Released: 25 June 2018
Type: Certified Adapter