

GTExchange allows banks and financial institutions to access multiple financial networks through a single window providing transparency.

Key features

  • Multi-networks, including SWIFT (Fin, InterAct, FileAct), EBICS, SIC, SECOM, SARIE, FIX (post trade), fax, secure email, Telex, MQ, and others, providing a single window for both international and domestic accesses and payments
  • All MT and ISO20022 formats (SIC4, SEPA, Funds, etc.), including meta-data and proprietary XML, to ease integration with existing systems and to access a wide range of market infrastructures
  • Full message and file management (entry, validation, multiple verifications stages, search, audit trail, etc.) for total business control
  • Graphical routing and workflow with exit points to easily define multi-level validation, best cost routing to incorporate third party software in the global flows
  • Highly scalable: from low volume requirements to 3.65 million messages an hour to cover all types of environments from Tiers 1 banks to small organisations either locally deployed or via the Bureau Service


GTExchange allows banks and financial institutions to access multiple financial networks through a single window providing transparency and visibility on any financial transactions. GTExchange supports high-volume and complex message flows from multiple counterparties over multiple networks (including SWIFT, SIC, SECOM, EBICS SEPA, FIX (post trade), SARIE, Blockchain) protocols and formats. GTExchange is a SWIFT Certified Interface for SWIFT Customer Security Program, FIN, RMA, FileAct, InterAct, SIC4.

Who is it?

Bottomline Technologies (NASDAQ: EPAY) are the way businesses pay and get paid. They help their customers to make complex business transactions simple, secure and seamless.

Banks and Corporate rely on Bottomline for domestic and international payments, multi-network access, effective cash management tools, reconciliation, market data management, state of the art fraud detection, behavioural analytics and regulatory compliance. More than 10,000 corporations, financial institutions, and banks benefit from Bottomline solutions provided through offices across Switzerland, Europe, United States, and Asia-Pacific.

As of end 2016, the group is 1600 people strong and has generated revenue of $343M.

Benefits for the bank:

  • GTExchange®, part of the GT Solution Suite for financial messaging, reconciliation, payments, data feeds and Payment Fraud Detection. GTExchange® provides a powerful messaging platform that addresses today’s cost and risk concerns, allowing financial institutions and corporates to focus upon core value propositions and revenue generation.
  • This high-performance solution provides connection hub to SWIFT and other networks. It supports high volume and complex message flows from multiple counterparties and harmonises a disparate matrix of formats and protocols, ensuring complete interoperability between legacy, domestic and XML messaging standards.
  • GTExchange is comprised of specialised modules for connectivity, message and file management, workflow orchestration, format interoperability, reporting, sanction filtering, exception management, payment fraud detection and integration. It delivers exceptional cost-efficient performance flexibility and has recently shown a sustained measured throughput of 3.65 million FIN messages per-hour, supporting several high availability and clustering designs for uninterrupted 24x7 service and data accessibility with no single point of failure.
  • GTExchange delivers control, transparency and proven efficiencies to numerous organisations around the globe.

Online Services

As financial institutions and corporates respond to a heightened competitive landscape, the cost and scalability benefits of outsourced and hosted ‘cloud’ solutions become increasingly attractive. In response to this market need, all GTSuite products, including GTExchange, GTMatch, GTCash, GTData and Payment Fraud detection are available as an on-demand service from Bottomline GTCloud® Platform hosted in Switzerland or UK known as Financial Messaging Bureau Services.



Company: Bottomline Technologies
Kategorie: Market Data & Research
Released: 04 Juni 2018
Type: Certified Adapter