
K&W Software AG

Omni-channel platform for credit & mortgage advisory services for private clients and small and medium-sized enterprises.

Key features

  • Playful, appealing UX-designed interface for face-to-face advice and client self-service
  • Guaranteed process quality through intuitive workflows from application through to credit checks and decision
  • Illustrative graphical simulation of scenarios
  • Variation of suitable loan & mortgage models and offering customised solutions
  • Personalised high-end client output


Your omni-channel platform for credit & mortgage advisory services for private clients and small and medium-sized enterprises. Innovative, efficient and audit-proof solutions. You can make a lasting impression on your client while at the same time providing efficient and regulatory-compliant loan advisory processes.

K&W-Software AG is a boutiques for Client Advisory & Digital Client Interaction solutions in the financial industry.

As a boutique, it handles even highly complex «Industrialisation & digitalisation» of business processes.

Together with you, it builds «Best-fit» software solutions based on our market proven tool box guaranteeing low risk for best «Market Practice».

Holistic services over the entire life cycle guarantee long-term partnership.

Benefits for the bank

  • Mortgage renewal seamlessly integrated in E-Banking
  • Questionnaire driven product recommendation
  • Educational UI
  • Digitally signed mortgage renewal contract
  • Transfer client to dedicated advisor in case online contract conclusion is not desired for an improved conversion rate



Company: k&w software ag
Kategorie: Loans, Corporate & Trade Finance
Released: 25 Juni 2018
Type: FIX / MQ / Other