
Omnium Life & Pension Planning

The Life and Pension Planning module is a financial planning tool based on interactive life events and measures. A sophisticated variant functionality allows the advisor to create and compare different fi-nancial planning and/or pension planning scenarios.

Key features

  • The whole financial planning process – from data collection to customer presentation – is managed interactively with im-mediate graphical presentation.
  • The smart integration into the Omnium Suite allows reuse of client data, deep API integration options and customer-specific CI/CD customization.
  • 100% focus on face-to-face advisory including expert views
  • Proven application and heavily used by many leading Swiss banks and insurance companies
  • Highly customizable and flexible PDF client document


Individual life events and measures can be managed interactively. All income and wealth simulations can be shown forward- and backward-looking. The module can either be used for life planning or pension planning.

Some aspects of key functionalities – all you need for financial planning:

  • 360° life-cycle planning with interactive life events
  • Income and capital requirements
  • Annuity or capital
  • Early or partial retirement
  • Capital consumption
  • Tax optimization
  • First pillar advance withdrawal

Company description

Braingroup AG is a leader in financial advisory software and digital transformation. Its core competencies include innovative and smart advisory solutions and holistic sales processes for banks, insurance companies and health insurers.

Its flagship product suite Omnium sets new standards in intuitive digital multichannel advisory for self, face-to-face and expert advice. Omnium offers dedicated modules such as finance (mortgages), life and pension planning, wealth management, pension provision, taxes, and basic advice. Thanks to Omnium, the customer interaction becomes a sustainable overall experience which allows 360° life cycle planning.

Founded in 2002 and headquartered in Zurich, the software company employs some 60 people.



Company: Braingroup AG
Kategorie: Client Relationship ManagementInvestment Advisory
Released: 18 Januar 2021
Type: Open API