
PrimoSign Engine

PrimoSign Engine – Digitization of your signature processes. Enables new sales channels like Digital Onboarding, efficiency gains and significant cost savings! Digital. Secure. Legally valid. Simple.

Key features

  • Use Case 1. – Video Onboarding: Completely digital onboarding with subsequent eSigning. Everywhere. Anytime.
  • Use Case 2. – Personal Onboarding: Personal face2face Onboarding with subsequent eSigning. Personal. Digital.
  • Use Case 3. – Qualified electronic signature for existing customers: Enabling of existing customers for qualified electronic signatures for future digital and
  • Use Case 4. – Recurring: Once successfully identified, your customer's digital identity can be reused in your business relationship for eSignings without re-identification.
  • Use Case 5. – Qualified electronic signature for internal employees: Enabling of employees for internal application, approval and signature processes by using qualified electronic signatures.


With PrimoSign Engine we enable you and your customers to have legally binding and completely digital onboarding and signature processes, regardless of whether for internal (e.g. in the area of human resources) or external (e.g. signing contracts with customers) signature processes. Through a completely web-based approach, your PDF documents can be signed electronically and legally valid. Simple, without media discontinuity, highly secure and fully integrated into your existing customer-journey (e.g. ebanking). Say goodbye to complex and expensive analogue signing processes via printing, sending, waiting, scanning and manual archiving. Genuine added value for you and your customers. Digital Onboarding becomes reality.

Convincing benefits with PrimoSign Engine:

  • Legally valid qualified electronic signautre
  • Process safety through reversal burden of proof
  • Strong cost reduction
  • Significant efficiency increase
  • Highly secure & data protection-compliant: QuoVadis never receives documents (only hash values)
  • Maximum anonymity
  • CEN/TS 419.241 certified service
  • Reaching of today's decision makers of generation Y and Z & enrichment of your customer experience
  • Meets the high requirements of the legislator (e.g. ZertES swiss signature law)
  • Opening of new sales channels
  • Seamless implementation into existing applications
  • Signing as a Service
  • Enables integration of external customers and partners into the signature process
  • 100% browser-based
  • Digital signing without usb token or smartcard
  • On the fly: immediate issuance of the qualified electronic signature
  • AATL compliant
  • Increasing of security and user-friendliness through transaction certificates
  • Recurring: Once successfully identified, your customer's digital identity can be reused in your business relationship for eSignings without re-identification.



Kategorie: Digital Channels
Released: 10 April 2019
Type: FIX / MQ / Other