

Liquidly builds trading infrastructure for private fund interests.

Key features

  • Private Bank-approved: walled-garden trading venue improves diligence process and reduces execution risks
  • Secondary and Primary Market Synergies: the option for liquidity will expand investor appetite
  • Streamlined Sale Process: standardization of transaction terms and transfer documents
  • Two-sided Market: investors could purchase fund interests with a shorter duration in the secondary market


The $6.5 trillion in private funds under management, e.g. private equity and real estate funds, are illiquid assets with a growing secondary market. By building custom, ring-fenced marketplaces, Liquidly enables Private Banks to meet investors' evolving needs for a well-functioning secondary market.

Liquidly's Solution

Private Banks

  • Streamlined process = less effort
  • Flexibility to structure vehicles with longer lock-up periods
  • Access to data on market activity
  • Centralized venue to permission and view trading activity

Buyer Investors  

  • Access to assets permissioned by Private Banks
  • Technology-enabled features to improve execution
  • Ability to indicate interest in buying assets
  • Standardized diligence materials furnished on platform  

Seller Investors

  • Private Bank-approved process
  • Access to network of prospective investors
  • Standardized commercial terms to improve execution
  • Ability to respond to buy-side interest in specific assets

The information provided here does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to purchase or a recommendation of any interest in any fund or security.

Company description

Liquidly builds trading infrastructure for private fund interests and provides investors a seamless mechanism to these trade illiquid assets.



Category: Trading
Released: 11 novembre 2020